My name is Vanessa Olver and I was born and raised in Eshowe, KwaZuluNatal.
It is here, to the coastal town of Mtunzini, that I have returned with my own family, to the house my father Trevor Rosewall built all those years ago. Together with my husband Mike and our two children, Charlotte and Oliver, we have turned my beloved family home into Oliver’s Bed & Breakfast, a beautiful guesthouse we can’t wait to share with you.
When you come to visit I hope you’ll quickly start to share my love of this special place. I look back at the weekends and holidays we spent here as a family, on the lagoon skiing, at the beach building sandcastles, swimming and getting into mischief, all with great fondness.
Now we have the opportunity to let our children Charlotte and Oliver experience just a little of what we did in Mtunzini and we want you to share it too.
We’ll all welcome you to our guest house and we’re certain you will enjoy your stay with us. Our dedicated hostess and staff will do everything they can to help us look after you. Check out just some of the activities there are on offer in and around Mtunzini and you’ll see that you’ll never be short of something to do. And it’s a great place to do nothing too.
We look forward to welcoming you soon. And bring your kids: we did.